Your quote will be seen every time...guaranteed.

What is this?

How does it work?

How to use this free service:

  1. As a buyer, simply register and select an agent. If your agent hasn't already registered for MyTrueQuote™, you can have MyTrueQuote™ send him or her an invitation to register.
  2. Next, complete your application. This can be done by you, the buyer, or your agent.
  3. Multiple insurance companies will receive your application and will respond through the Quote Matrix™. You will receive more information than you ever have in the past.
  4. Choose your Policy. Once you review the Quote Matrix™, you will be able to click "Buy Policy". At that time, your agent and the insurance company will be notified of your choice. They will contact you and take care of the rest.
*For more detail on this service, please select the links along the blue bar.